Em um setor altamente regulado como o agronegócio, somos uma consultoria que opera como facilitadora nas questões estratégicas que permeiam os ambientes industrial, político e cultural.
Combinamos razão com sensibilidade necessárias para lidar com pressões e prazos na tomada de decisões de nossos clientes.
Nos últimos anos, a De Lassus tem atravessado uma transformação profunda e contínua, impulsionada pelas rápidas mudanças no setor do agronegócio brasileiro e global. O ambiente de negócios atual exige que as empresas não só reajam de maneira eficaz aos desafios imediatos, mas também se antecipem às tendências e riscos que podem impactar suas operações no futuro.
Com nossa experiência voltada para a atuação na área de relações governamentais no agronegócio, compreendemos que o sucesso das empresas depende, em grande parte, da capacidade de navegar pelas complexidades das regulações, políticas públicas e acordos internacionais que afetam diretamente o setor. Diante desse cenário, decidimos ampliar nossa atuação: deixamos de ser apenas uma consultoria focada em aconselhamento estratégico de alto nível e passamos a atuar como um parceiro ativo e proativo na gestão de riscos e na antecipação de cenários que envolvem as relações com governos e entidades reguladoras.
Anteriormente, nosso foco principal era fornecer percepções estratégicas e robustas para apoiar grandes decisões empresariais. Agora, além de oferecer orientação estratégica, atuamos diretamente na identificação de oportunidades e na mitigação de ameaças que surgem no ambiente regulatório e político. Nossa missão é garantir que nossos clientes estejam preparados para responder, de maneira ágil e segura, às mudanças nas políticas governamentais e nas regulamentações que impactam o agronegócio.
Monitoramos constantemente o ambiente macroeconômico, regulatório e político, fornecendo análises detalhadas sobre as variáveis que influenciam o sucesso de nossos clientes. Estamos comprometidos em suprir as ferramentas e o conhecimento necessário para que enfrentem os desafios com maior eficiência e previsibilidade, seja no Brasil ou no exterior.
A De Lassus se diferencia por sua combinação única de conhecimento técnico em relações governa
mentais, visão estratégica apurada e profundo entendimento das dinâmicas globais que influenciam o agronegócio. A De Lassus é altamente qualificada e conta com vasta experiência no setor há mais de 20 anos, está pronta para oferecer suporte integral, ajudando nossos clientes a elevarem ao máximo seu potencial em um ambiente de alta complexidade e constante transformação.
Empatia, confiança e respeito são as bases dos diálogos propostos pela De Lassus
Somos genuinamente engajados com as questões dos nossos clientes e atuamos com responsabilidade junto a toda cadeia de stakeholders do agronegócio.
Trabalhamos em um ambiente culturalmente diverso e respeitamos todas as perspectivas para transformar ideis diferentes em habilidade conjunta.
Somente com verdade - propulsora da confiança - atingimos os objetivos desejados pelos nossos clientes
Conheça mais sobre nós, a partir de depoimentos de quem já conhece nosso trabalho.
I had the pleasure of working with Otavio at Monsanto, collaborating on tax projects. When I think about his work “ridiculously efficient” is the phrase that comes to my mind. I was particularly impressed by his ability to handle Government Affairs and help our team to succeed in tax projects. His skills seem to come perfectly naturally to him.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – I implement solutions to improve tax Competitiveness I I map tax strategies I I reduce tax risks I I train people to foster tax performance
Otávio is a very dedicated professional since his first internship at the Brazilian Embassy in Madrid. Easy to work with, flexible and fully skilled on government and its connection with international issues. Otávio also, has a great ability to identify corporate risks, work under pressure and find solutions to the business. A key player to any high performance team.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Sócia Vallya Building Trust | Advogada | Doutoranda em Direito | Infraestrutura | Regulatório | Saneamento | ESG
Otavio is a specialist and a professional with a wide range of skills to a great C-level executive. We shared many critical moments in some media coverage in the Brazilian government. And as a journalist based in Brasilia, I have always witnessed an excellent performance and the best result derived from the serious work of Otavio.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau- Comunicação Estratégica • Gestão de Imagem e Crise • Consultoria • Economia • Finanças
Otávio Cançado is a professional with excellent knowledge of how the Brazilian regulatory system works and with great communication with high ranking public officials and political leaders. He can be very clear about the interests involved in a negotiation. At the same time, he succeeds in offering consensus solutions, but also acting with great force in the interests he is defending at that moment. Cançado knows how to distinguish the important issues among many information and he also has great capacity for synthesis and communication. He is a skillful and energetic negotiator always achieving many results while keeping the doors open for new relationships.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Senior policy advisor | MSc. in Development and Governance
When I was CEO of ABIEC (Brazilian Beef Exporters Association) from 2007 to 2010, Otavio it was an Executive Director on my team. He was an excellent professional, and very active, skilled and hardworking guy. I keep very good memories of him as a good friend, although much younger than me. We did together a very good towards promoting Brazilian beef exports, and keeping a very good cooperation with Brazilian authorities in the foreign trade and international affairs sector.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Economista e empresário
Otávio has a solid relationships with government policy leaders, a thorough knowledge of the agribusiness sector and a strong understanding of political, legislative and regulatory processes. He also possesses great written and verbal communication skills as well as an ability to manage multiple, complex tasks and projects within short deadlines.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Coordenador-Geral de Atração de Investimentos Estrangeiros e Cooperação Internacional
It is rare to find talents like Otávio. I had the opportunity of working with him when he was Director of the Department of International Sanitary and Phytosanitary Negotiations in the International Relations Secretary of the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and recently when he is dealing with Government Affairs at Monsanto. I am particularly impressed with Otávio’s dedication to dealing with topics of great complexity and with his continued support of the team in the various professional and personal challenges that always resulted in strong inspiration for us to do the best. Having Otávio on the team is a great asset.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Auditor Fiscal Federal Agropecuário
Frank, trustworthy, convincing. Otavio has distinguished himself for delivering complex government relations missions, combining technical abilities in international trade with acute understanding of political sensitivities. He would certainly be an invaluable asset for any public or private organization lucky enough to have him in its ranks.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Ministro-conselheiro
I knew Otavio since my first days in the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply in 2002. Since then he was always working within the agricultural sector in key positions. This sector specifically requires not only a good understanding on the economic, technical and social issues involved, but also a reasonable time of experience in order to have an adequate comprehension about the diversity of factors influencing each decision. Exactly for such reason I recommend Otávio. He has the skills to take the correct decisions and a strong relationships’ network within the sector, which are essential characteristics wherever you work on agriculture.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Deputy Secretary of Animal and Plant Health and Inspection
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Int’l Trade Consultant
Otávio is a reference among Government Affairs professionals. His strategic view and broad network turn to be of great value for any organization which need freedom to operate. We have worked together in many successful projects that required stakeholders engagement, both in Brazil and abroad. Otavio has always been a good colleague and a valuable professional. A unique character, Otávio is a great person to work with.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Head Global de Comunicação e Marca / Global Head of Corporate Communications and Branding at Votorantim Cimentos
I had the pleasure of working directly with Otavio for two years at the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil and also during the beginning of my professional life at the Office for International Affairs at the same Institution. I was particularly impressed by Otavio’s ability to give us quick and objective solutions for hard tasks, mainly regarding crucial decisions. More than this, I think that one of his powerful skills is the capacity of predict and bypass problems, always building a very trustful network of actors. Otavio is also a keen international analyst and a very adaptable professional with outstanding experience in several areas. Furthermore, Otavio’s ability to juggle multiple projects was impressive and made a good difference in the productivity level of the team that he managed at the Ministry. More than that, he has a good heart and nice sense of humor!
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Research Fellow at the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal | Ph.D. Candidate at University of Coimbra
Tive a oportunidade de participar de negociações sanitárias conduzidas pelo Sr. Otávio Cançado quando ocupou a função de Diretor do Departamento de Negociações Sanitárias e Fitossanitárias, do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (DNSF/SRI/MAPA).
Assim, me sinto habilitado para testemunhar sua grande habilidade de negociação com autoridades governamentais de outros país, seu compromisso em defender os interesses nacionais, mas com talento para remover eventuais barreiras e estabelecer canais. Além disso, possui uma capacidade de liderança e articulação intergovernamental destacada.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Médico Veterinário ⅼ MBA Agronegócio ⅼ Especialista em Irradiação de Alimentos ⅼ Mestre em Higiene e Tecnologia de POA ⅼ Experiência em regulação e gestão pública na áreas de inocuidade alimentar e sanidade animal
I know Otavio for over 20 years. We have worked together in many different chalenges on the agriculture sector. Otavio has always shown a great capacity to negotiate challenging issues and bring good results to the country and its agriculture economy. He is an expert on agribusiness, a sector of high competitiveness both in Brazil and around the world. As a trustful executive, he has been able to bring his networking capacity to his private roles. In fact, this is what I understand as his best asset: to combine technical agriculture knowledge, political, social and economic elements in such a unique manner between the private and public sectors. Not less important is to metion that Otavio manages very well and keeps all the regulatory and political structure of the Brazilian central and state governments updated. Otavio can be persuasive in a high degree and definitely is very oriented to results, always working in a collabortive and constructive work with the Brazilian and other foreign governments. For all those reasons and taking into account the years I know him and followed his professional career that I recommend him as a C-level executive and as team player for any future executive challenges.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Adida agricola at embaixada do brasiladida agricola at embaixada do brasil
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau- Secretary for International Affairs and Development, Ministry of Planning and Budget, Brazil
Otavio is highly skilled in the Government Affairs area, national and international wide. He has strong connections and knows how to build trustful relationships, as well as how to influence strategic decisions for a common purpose. He speaks with courage and has a high sense of integrity, always guiding his actions by the most accurate level of integrity. Besides that, he is a kind and intelligent person, one can always count on.
· 1ºConexão de 1º grau – Head of HR Brazil & Talent Lead Crop Science Latam at BayerHead of HR Brazil & Talent Lead Crop Science Latam at Bayer
Em todos os segmentos da cadeia produtiva do agronegócio brasileiro.
Nosso maior desafio é ajudar a alimentar uma população mundial crescente com recursos naturais limitados em meio a preocupações socioambientais legítimas e interesses geopolíticos, setoriais e econômicos sem precedentes.
Conheça nossa Expertise!
Avaliar riscos e oportunidades institucionais, regulatórias e comerciais em todos os estágios da cadeia de valor.
Estar atento à pressão crescente da opinião pública global sobre o agronegócio.
Discernir um tweet de uma tendência e um momento de um movimento.
Dimensionar os impactos que essas pressões - se não ouvidas, compreendidas e respondidas - podem ter.
Conexões com os principais agentes do agronegócio brasileiro, aliados à experiência na área de advocacy nos propiciam uma abordagem assertiva e a melhor estratégia, narrativa e planos de ação.